a | starts insert mode after current position of cursor. |
A | starts insert mode at end of the current line. |
cw | Deletes the current word and than enters the insert mode to replace that word. |
dw | Deletes the current word without entering the insert mode. |
dd | Deletes the current line. |
G | Moves cursor at the end of the line. |
15G | Moves cursor to fifteenth line. |
h | Moves cursor left one space. |
I | Enters insert mode. |
o | enters insert mode opening line below current cursor. |
O | enters insert mode opening line above current cursor. |
:q | Exits from vi. |
r | Replace; replaces current character with next character. |
:set nu | shows line number for the current line |
u | Undoes the last change |
:w | Writes the current file. |
Esc | Escapes from insert mode |
/system | Searches the word System in current file |
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Basic VI commands
The most commonly used commands in vi Editor are as follows:
11:15 PM | Filed Under commands | 0 Comments
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